STN Leadership Extern Guide for Success

STN Leadership Extern Guide for Success

STN’s Leadership Externship is a great opportunity to be an aspiring leader in our trauma community. It is an exciting time to network and build lifelong relationship with trauma experts. This document is a guide to a successful year for the STN Leadership Extern.

Step 1

The Extern will be assigned an experienced Mentor. Your mentor will call or e-mail you to begin the process.

Step 2

The Extern mentor will arrange monthly phone conference meetings to discuss your barriers & successes. The mentors will arrange:

  • 1:1 meetings with leaders during STN Trauma Con
  • Help identify 1-2 projects/goals for 2025
  • Facilitate joining in special interest groups (SIGs) with STN
  • Assist with opportunities to write an article for JTN with STN leadership committee member

Step 3

We would like to invite The Extern to be the mentor for the 2025 STN Leadership Extern. Your experience will be invaluable to the new aspiring leader.

Tentative Timeline

January 2025 Congratulations and welcome the Extern to the role as STN Leadership Extern. Meet and Greet with assigned Mentor, attend monthly STN leadership committee meetings.

Feb-March 2025 Attend monthly STN leadership committee meetings; identify 1-2 key goals and projects with STN leadership committee.

April 2025 Attend STN TraumaCon on April 10-12, 2025. During the conference, attend the STN Board meeting, which is typically 1 day prior to conference on April 29, 2025. Attend onsite leadership committee meeting, attend leadership preconference. Confirm pre-arranged meetings with key leaders during STN conference.

May 2025-July 2025 Attend monthly STN leadership Committees, Monthly phone conference with mentor, work on assigned projects for STN.

August 2025 Review application and criteria for 2025 STN leadership candidate, Attend monthly STN leadership Committees, Monthly phone conference with mentor, work on assigned projects for STN.

September-October 2025 Attend monthly STN leadership Committees, Monthly phone conference with mentor, work on assigned projects for STN.

November 2025 Review STN leadership extern applicants. Attend monthly STN leadership Committees, Monthly phone conference with mentor; work on assigned projects for STN.

December 2025 Meet and Greet NEW STN Leadership Extern. The Extern from the previous year will be the mentor for the upcoming 2026 candidate!!

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The Society of Trauma Nurses is a professional nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure optimal trauma care to all people locally, regionally, nationally and globally through initiatives focused on trauma nurses related to prevention, education and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.

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